Anxiety - Learning = Recovery

Anxiety - it's something everyone experiences from time to time. But for some it's an ongoing, life-disrupting pain in the tush. Aside from understanding anxiety purely within the context of how it feels - well - just what exactly is it? See, I believe finding the answer to this question is the longest first step toward learning to manage anxiety and its fallout.

Now, coming to know the concept of anxiety at a healing level calls for a bit more than a quick glance at a dictionary. Yes, it calls for a bit of psycho-babble. But hang in there, as I think you'll find these two theoretical points of view interesting and relevant.

The fans in the psychoanalytic section of the stadium would more than likely root for the theories of Sigmund Freud, who just happens to be the father (you'll make him neurotic if you even imply "mother") of psychoanalysis. Of particular note is Uncle Siggy's structural theory, which proposes the human psyche has three components - the id: home of our inborn primitive desires, which stomps its feet and demands immediate gratification and release no matter the consequences (the "pleasure principle"); the superego: our active conscious, which maintains a sense of morality and prohibits the practice of social taboos; and the ego: our great internal mediator, managing the interplay of the id, superego, and our external world.

Now, according to Freud, the ego is especially significant because it strives to establish a state of balance and peace between our primitive drives, morals, and world-reality. So the ego has its work cut out for it as it deals with some incredibly powerful forces. All of this said, when our id demands some sort of immediate primal satisfaction, and our superego responds that such behavior is totally inappropriate, our ego gets put to the test and can easily become overwhelmed. According to Uncle Siggy, it's this dynamic that generates anxiety. And anxiety is all about sounding a 150-decibel alarm so the ego knows it, as well as its designated-human, is in peril. Now, there are other paradigms (foundational philosophical/theoretical frameworks of a school of thought or discipline) I find attractive. Here's one of them.

The cognitivists, who subscribe to the notion that emotional distress is generated when we fail to identify the details of our thought patterns and make indicated adjustments, would submit anxiety is not a direct cause of this distress. Indeed, the seemingly endless waves of anxiety many endure are the result of a faulty internal fear response system that demands immediate attention to real or perceived danger. Now, the keyword in the last sentence is "perceived." Come on - it's no great secret that in the vast majority of cases our sensed dangers aren't based in rational fact. Right? And if the present danger isn't rationally-real then the subsequent anxiety becomes inappropriate and counterproductive to our immediate and future functioning.

So, then - according to the cognitivists issue numero uno isn't the generation of anxiety, because in the midst of dangerous circumstances it's supposed to make an appearance. And if you think about it, doesn't it make sense that human genetics would foster a leaning toward the anxious? Sure. And that's because an alarm system that doesn't give a rip about what exactly set it off provides maximum protection in any situation where disaster may well be lurking. And having a leg-up on such disaster is well worth the cost of troublesome false alarms.

See, the cognitivists would propose the issue that causes all the problems within the realm of anxiety are the thought patterns that are foundational in the misinterpretation of internal and external stimuli (a shortened breath, a heart palpitation, boarding an airplane, crossing a bridge) leading to overreaction to a perceived reality. You see, the true threat here actually becomes the creation and impact of faulty thinking patterns, misinterpretations, and overreactions. And that's what makes anxiety a major liability.

To assist you in organizing and understanding the two anxiety theories I've just reviewed, how 'bout this summary.

Unconscious forces collide as the id pushes toward immediate gratification of a primal desire, and the superego tells it to chill-out because it isn't socially acceptable. The ego, in a frantic attempt to mediate, becomes overwhelmed and anxiety is generated. Anxiety is a message - an alarm - to the ego that it, and the individual, is in danger.

Anxiety is not a direct cause of distress, but the result of a faulty internal fear response system. It's an emotional reaction in response to the cognitive process of fear. The generation of anxiety is designed to be a call to action - an alarm - to deescalate a world-real threat. But the threat may be a perceived reality based upon misinterpretation

So there's the scoop from just two theoretical perspectives regarding the origin of anxiety. And as you can well imagine there are many more points of view floating around out there. The importance of such formal definitions is in learning all we can about icky stuff that impacts our lives. And the more we know, the better armed we become. Right?

Anxiety - learn and find relief.

Panic attacks can bring anyone to their knees. But you no longer have to be a victim. That's right, you don't have to live like that anymore.

Learn How to Stop Anxiety Quickly Without Using Expensive Medications

There are several different ways how to stop anxiety. Medication is one way to get your symptoms under control, but medication is not a cure. Drugs simply help you relax to the point where your body is not in a constant state of stress. Tension is a direct result of your body feeling as though it might have to react at the drop of a hat. Your body is always coiled up and ready to spring into action, which can ultimately be very exhausting. The thoughts swirling constantly through your head when you have anxiety disorder make you feel uneasy and out of sync. Often you're filled with a sense of dread.

Anxiety medication prevents the proper amount of adrenaline from flowing through your system, so your body generally is calmer. This calmer state allows you to deal with the complex task of stopping or lessening your anxiety. What many people don't realize, though, is that anxiety medication is not truly necessary to stop anxiety.

When my anxiety disorder was at its worst, I was taking anxiety medication every day. The one day, my therapist said the words that no patient ever wants to hear. He said there was nothing more he could do for me. Not exactly what you want to hear when you know you're no way near cured! The first thing to cross my mind was, "What am I going to do without my prescriptions?"

Deep down, I never felt quite right when I was taking my anxiety medication. I knew that if I was going to get control of my issues and stop my anxiety, I was going to have to start with a major change of attitude. My medication had always made me feel a bit uncomfortable, so part of me was nervous but another part of me felt relieved. Over the next few weeks, my energy was focused on changing my attitude. As my attitude changed and I learned how to live my life without anti-anxiety drugs in my system, I was able to stop anxiety quickly and efficiently. The good news is, if I can do this, so can you! The real key here is to switch gears from being anxious and fearful to being positive and in control.

It's difficult to put my finger precisely on how I was able to stop my anxiety. I think I just got angry and "drew a line in the sand". I resolved to get my life back after losing so much time to the anxiety attacks that had consumed me for so many years. Anger is a powerful ally. Use your anger to confront your anxiety and let anxiety know that it's not welcome in your life any more. Anxiety is like a bully, and once you stand up to it once or twice you'll notice it comes around to bother you less and less. Get determined and focus on finding your own personal power! You have the ability to stop anxiety without taking medication. Believe in yourself and you'll be amazed at the transformation you can pull off. Think positive thoughts and when ever you feel anxiety coming on, get angry. Believe in yourself and have confidence in your own inner strength!

You definitely have the ability and the personal power to stop anxiety without costly drugs. Focus on your past successes as a source of strength and pride. Taking control of your anxiety requires effort, but the end result is incredibly rewarding. When you feel your next wave of anxiety coming on, you'll know how to focus your mind on positive thoughts while at the same time getting angry. The combination of positive energy and your own brand of internal strength will result in a calmer, more focused individual able to respond and react to situations rationally and logically.

You have the control to stop your panic and anxiety attacks!

5 Investor Presentation Tips to Decrease Your Anxiety

When presenting to investors, the most important thing influencing your audience is visual (i.e., your body language), then vocal (your voice and speaking rhythm) and then verbal (the story you tell).

Also, when you present in front of a group, your natural "fight or flight" instincts kick in. Your adrenaline starts pumping and you often get anxious and fidgety. The way that you act as a result of this poorly impacts your audience's perception of you.

To decrease your anxiety, use the following techniques:

1. Practice, practice and practice some more. The more you practice your presentation, the more comfortable you will be when you give it.

2. Concentrate. Just like an elite athlete, you need to clear your mind before the presentation so you can fully concentrate on the task at hand.

3. Shift Your Focus from You to Them. If you give a presentation and your best friend happens to be in the room, chances are that after the presentation the first question you will ask your friend is "How did I do?"

It is this mentality of thinking about yourself that makes people nervous. Rather, focus on the audience. Look at them and think "how are they doing?" This will allow you to present more effectively.

4. Focus on specific people in the audience. Whether there are three prospective investors or business partners in the room, or you are speaking to a room of 50 or 500, you need to visually focus on one person at a time. That is, pick one person to start and complete your first main point. Then you should shift to different people for each key point you make during the presentation. This helps you concentrate better and make sure you are focusing on the audience rather than on yourself.

5. Practice your hand gestures. Hand gestures often positively engage an audience. But, making hand gestures in front of an audience often feels awkward and uncomfortable. You must practice using them with "warmer" audiences (e.g., your friends, co-workers and/or employees) until they become second nature.

Like it or not, your public speaking ability and presentation skills are more important than the content of your presentations. As such, successful entrepreneurs need to master these skills. Use these tips to improve your skills, and remember to really practice all your presentations before the actual event. As you know, in most cases, you only get one shot at key presentations.

Vitamins For Panic and Anxiety Disorders

Were you aware that anxiety disorder is one of the most common psychiatric disorders occurring in the United States? Keep in mind that there are a number of anxiety disorders. They each have their own symptoms and they all share the idea of having irrational fear. One of the most sever forms of anxiety disorder is Panic Disorder. This disorder affects a sizable portion of our society each year with the interesting fact of affecting twice as many women then men. This article will focus on relief using vitamins for anxiety and panic disorders.

Top Five Vitamins For Relief

I have included a list here of what many consider to be the most effective and common vitamins for relieving and managing panic and anxiety disorders. This list is by no means exhaustive and of course consult a competent medical professional when starting anything new like this.

1) B Vitamins. Also known as:

- Biotin

- Niacin (100mg per day)

- Thiamine

- Pantothenic acid

- Riboflavin

- Folic acid

This vitamin is important for the production of neurotransmitters. In fact Thiamine is used whenever you feel run down, crying or angry. We recommend a daily B-Complex (50 to 100mg per day) supplement.

2) Magnesium. Suggested daily amount of 200mg taken 2 to 3 times daily. Thought to be beneficial during panic and anxiety attack because it is a muscle relaxant.

3) Alpha-linolenic Acid. In recent years that have been a number of studies regarding anxiety disorder and alpha-linolenic acid. The more significant of the findings would suggest that those that have been long time sufferers of panic attacks have had measurable improvement when consuming additional quantities of alpha-linolenic acid.

Suggested daily amount of 50 to 100mg taken 1 to 2 times daily. Thought to be beneficial because of it's ability to deliver oxygen to tissues and it's antioxidant qualities.

5) Vitamin C. Suggested daily amount of 250 to 500mg taken daily. Thought to be beneficial because it increases the effectiveness of the immune system and reduces swelling.

Again the efficacy of these vitamins will really depend on the severity of your anxiety symptoms. Of course these should be added to any daily regimen of medicine you are currently taking. Make sure your physician is aware of this.

Instead of just using vitamins to deal with your anxiety disorder why not give yourself access to the same resources that thousands of people in your same situation have used effectively? Learn more about an online resource that can help you minimize or eliminate anxiety and panic attacks for good.

Some Natural Remedies For Anxiety

Here are some of the natural remedies that can be used to treat anxiety, together with any necessary warnings of potential side-effects.

Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium and calcium are two of the most important minerals in the body. They are also good natural remedies for anxiety. To remove calcium ions our body needs enzymes and energy; central to both is the element magnesium. Think of it like a sea-saw, calcium tenses, magnesium relaxes. When we are anxious our body tenses, calcium ions rush into our muscle cells, when we relax, calcium ions with the assistance of magnesium are removed from the muscle cells.

Look at the symptoms of magnesium deficiency: fatigue, insomnia, muscle twitching, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and numbness. They are familiar symptoms for an anxious person. However, we must remember that magnesium always works in association with calcium.

Calcium works with magnesium in its functions in the blood, nerves, and muscles, particularly in regulating heart and muscle contraction and nerve conduction. They work together but usually at either end of the sea-saw. Calcium is the tensing mineral, involved in muscle contraction whereas magnesium is the relaxant, assisting in muscle relaxation.

Depressed or anxious people often have excessive calcium levels. As calcium and magnesium always work in tandem, this means that anxious or depressed people will often have a deficiency of magnesium. Add to this the fact that stress itself increases the need for magnesium and we have the picture of the "uptight", never able to relax, magnesium deficient, and anxious personality type. An anxiety picture with a lot of muscle tension, particularly if there is also twitching, insomnia and headaches points to a magnesium deficiency.

Do you recognise yourself? If so, magnesium supplementation or a diet high in magnesium may be useful. Magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables, in nuts and whole grains. Seeds, legumes (peas and beans) and leafy greens, especially spinach, are all good sources of magnesium. The recommended daily supplementation of magnesium is 250-350 mg. If you are already taking calcium supplements and you suffer from anxiety it is essential that you also take magnesium.


Native to Polynesia, the herb kava (Piper methysticum) has been found to have anti-anxiety effects in humans.
WARNING: The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has issued an advisory to consumers about the potential risk of severe liver injury resulting from the use of dietary supplements containing kava. To date, there have been more than 25 reports of serious adverse effects from kava use in other countries, including four patients who required liver transplants.


The herb passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) was used as a folk remedy for anxiety and insomnia.
Two studies involving a total of 198 people examined the effectiveness of passionflower for anxiety. One study found passionflower to be comparable to benzodiazepine drugs. There was also improvement in job performance with passionflower and less drowsiness with passionflower compared with the drug mexazolam, however, neither was statistically significant.

Side effects of passionflower may include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat. The safety of passionflower in pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with kidney or liver disease has not been established. There have been five case reports in Norway of people becoming temporarily impaired mentally after using a combination product containing passionflower. It's not known whether the other ingredients in the supplement played a role.

Passionflower should not be taken with sedatives unless under medical supervision. Passionflower may enhance the effect of pentobarbital, a medication used for sleep and seizure disorders.

Pantothenic acid

Also known as Vitamin B5, Pantothenic acid is one of eight vitamins that make up the B complex. Pantothenic acid is essential for life and is involved in a large range of bodily functioning.

As Pantothenic acid is found in many common foods, deficiencies are rare. However, anxiety sufferers can benefit from a supplement containing it.


The herb valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is best known as a herbal remedy for insomnia. Valerian is also used in patients with mild anxiety, but the research supporting its use for anxiety is limited.

Valerian is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about two to three weeks to work and shouldn't be used for more than three months at a time. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. Although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available, most people don't like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form.

Valerian shouldn't be taken with many medications, especially those that depress the central nervous system, such as sedatives and antihistamines. Valerian shouldn't be taken with alcohol, before or after surgery, or by people with liver disease. It should not be used before driving or operating machinery. Consultation with a qualified health practitioner is recommended


Plant essential oils can be added to baths, massage oil, or infusers. Essential oils that are used for anxiety and nervous tension are: bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, melissa, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. Lavender is the most common and forms the base of many relaxing blends.

Mind/Body Techniques

Mind/body breathing exercises, physical exercise, yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback are just some of the stress reduction techniques used for anxiety.

Additionally, Massage therapy, Shiatsu, and other forms of bodywork are widely used to diminish muscle tension, relieve stress, and improve sleep.

Try different techniques and determine which routine best suits you and your lifestyle.

Exercise is a Natural Cure For Anxiety Attacks

The answer is an overwhelming YES. Exercise has many benefits and is somewhat of a "cure-all". Improving one's overall health is the most obvious benefit but there are others that relate directly to mental health. It can be a natural cure for anxiety attacks. Let's take a look at some of those benefits and how they can help stop anxiety attacks.

When a person exercises, especially vigorously, the brain releases hormones called endorphins. These hormones actually plug into the opiate receptors in the brain and produce a euphoria similar to a drug high. We have all heard the expression, "runner's high". This is what that expression is referring to, the endorphin rush to the brain. No matter how low a mood someone is in, this increase in endorphins will always lift one's spirits. The endorphins also boost serotonin in the brain. This serotonin boost is the same effect that the new class of anti-depressants stimulate. Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft and others are called SSRI ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Serotonin is also a feel good brain chemical that can improve mood.

Another very positive aspect of exercise is focus on the activity itself. When an anxiety sufferer becomes active through exercise and movement, that person is given a positive focus for their thoughts. This focus on the activity, whether it is running, playing tennis, swimming or even just giving the house a good cleaning, means the anxiety sufferer has something other than the anxiety to concentrate on. Often, and especially if the exercise activity is particularly strenuous, by the time the exercise is finished, the anxiety attack has passed. In the midst of a challenging basketball game or tennis match it's hard to focus on anything but the activity itself.

Exercising or doing something physical, also provides the sufferer with a sense of control. Typically, persons who suffer from anxiety disorder have lost all sense of being in control of their lives. Most people realize there is little in their lives that they have control over and generally accept this fact. However, those with anxiety disorder generate much fear and panic from not having control. Since exercise gives a person a sense of control over their bodies, this helps relieve the fear and panic. In this way, exercise becomes a real proactive approach to handling anxiety disorder.

Exercise is one of the best ways that you can help your anxiety naturally, without pills and other medications. Exercise is the "cure all" for just about everything. The reason exercise works so well is that it releases endorphins to the brain and gives your mind a boost of serotonin. This is the same way that many SSRIs work. Not only that, but exercise puts you in control of your body and is a proactive approach in treating your health.

By using exercise to help treat anxiety disorder, you can boost your mood and relax your body. It also gives you something to concentrate on besides yourself and your anxiety. Having a regimen of daily exercise, will give the sufferer a sense of working to treat anxiety and this feeling can be very empowering. Exercise can really be a great natural cure for anxiety and depression.

Top Three Anxiety Relief Techniques - Learn How to Stop Panic Attacks

If you suffer from frequent anxiety or panic attacks, then you need to know what the top three anxiety relief techniques are. By learning how to accept uncertainty in your life, challenge your negative thoughts and take care of yourself, you can easily put an end to your anxiety. In this article, I am going to briefly go over each one of the above mentioned methods.

Uncertainty is a part of life. it is impossible to know everything that is going to happen to you. by learning how to accept what you don't know, you will be able to put an end to your panic attacks. Do you always need to know what is happening? Can you deal with doubt? Don't worry about it. You can't predict the future. You can't prevent surprises. You can't control the outcome of most of the situations you are going to face. Learning how to accept uncertainty is the first major step of most proven anxiety relief techniques.

Secondly, you need to learn how to challenge your negative thoughts. This sounds tough to do doesn't it? It'ds actually very simple when done correctly. Don't overestimate the outcome of the situation you are facing. By doing this, you are probably going right to the worst case scenario. You start to assume that only bad things are going to come from this experience. Don't discredit yourself. You have the strength to overcome the negative thoughts.

Taking care of yourself is probably the most important part of dealing with your anxiety. By eating healthy and exercising, you will feel better about yourself, and more importantly you will have to strength to get over your anxiety.

By following the above advice, you will be well on your way to getting past your panic attacks. Learning the proper anxiety relief techniques will make your life so much more enjoyable.

Finally putting an end to your panic attacks and reliving the anxiety you face every day will not only greatly improve your quality of life, it will also improve the quality of life for the people around you. You will have more energy, you will be happier and you will be able to enjoy what life has to offer.

Panic Away has helped thousands of people just like you end their panic attacks. Whether you have frequent and severe panic attacks, or occasional anxiety, Panic Away will teach you the best techniques to overcome it.

Panic Away also comes with an unconditional, eight week money back guarantee. So you really have nothing to lose. Try the techniques for eight weeks and if you're not happy with the results, send it back for a full refund.

The Panic Away website is filled with happy customer testimonials, helpful FAQs and informative videos.

Music As Treatment For Anxiety

Music is very pleasant - even for those who are not particularly fond of it. It has the ability to relax the mind and body as well as generate positive energy. Music, as some studies show, increases the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the feel-good sensation in you. This is why many workplaces where they have strenuous work, introduced soft-playing background music. The results were amazing even when improvements were expected. Productivity went up by a huge margin and absenteeism came down. The inter-collegial relationship improved and overall the atmosphere of these workplaces improved considerably. As a direct result of these changes, staffing turnover also came down and with it the cost in training and orienting personnel in their jobs.

There is no special music associated with relaxation. What works with you might not work as well with another - so there are no rules or specifications here. There is no particular level of noise attached to it either. Some people find the drums (the louder the better) relaxing, some find violin or piano, some would rather enjoy a quiet classic symphony, while other would prefer hard rock. Anything goes, as long as you find it relaxing and pleasing to your ears. Themes also help sometimes. You would find at times that the lyrics of the song along with the music create a wonderful scene for you - tie it up with the visualization exercise. Be open and look for the combinations that work for you best. As I said earlier, there are no rules other than the fact that it should make you happy and relaxed.

In order to get the most out of the music de-stress technique, use the following steps:

1. Identify your type of music - take your time and choose the music that makes you happy. Do not stop at one, two or even ten. Keep adding to your collection of 'favorite' songs, one at a time - and classify them according to the mood these evoke. Sometimes, you would like a sad song more than a happy one, and sometimes you would enjoy a peppy one. Have the songs indexed for easy identification. It is important to mention here that when I say music, I do not really mean songs only. Sometimes, the term 'sound' is more appropriate. There are instances where people feel tranquility when hearing the sound of waves crashing in the sea or the chirping of a bird, or the sound of children's laughter, the sound of someone's voice, and so on. Owing to this discovery, many CDs are available today with sounds of nature - which are extremely pleasant and relaxing to hear, even if these CDs do not get onto your favorite list.

2. Identify a place - like all other types of relaxation, for this one too you would need a place where you could have a little privacy so you could enjoy the effects of the music without disturbing others. You could also dance if you felt like it. This could be a room where you can turn your stereo volume up and let the sound surround you, or it could a corner where you can enjoy a few minutes of solitude listening to music over the headphones. You could indulge in your favorite music even while you jog, walk or meditate. In fact, it was found that when music is combined with other therapies, it enhances the effect, quality and depth of relaxation.

3. Have an image/ scene to match your favorite sound with - it is not that you need to be stuck only with songs or sounds to induce relaxation. Sometimes, it becomes better if you add an imagery to it; something that would improve the pleasant feeling that the music generates. Let the music wash over you, while you visualize your scene in the mind. Enjoy the feeling created by synchronizing sound and vision and relish the beautiful feelings this combination generate.

4. Repeat it often - as with other methods of relaxation, in order to have it work for you, you need to repeat it as often as you can. Have a sound bath often, as someone put so expressively. Relaxation is a very vital part of your life; ensure that you allot enough attention and time to it.

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Anxiety disorder is a recent entrant in medical analogy not because it is new, but because earlier it was confused with agoraphobia or fear of market place (derived from the Greek language). Those suffering from agoraphobia would do anything to avoid being in a crowd.

On the other hand, when you suffer from SAD you lead a normal life on the surface, though you would experience extreme anxiety symptoms every time you would interact with people. Somehow, though you normally tend to brave it out, people would make you nervous and restless.

This condition came into public recognition only in the 1970s when the teen American Idol, Donny Osmond talked about his insecurity when in front of a crowd. He had mentioned then that he felt everyone was judging him, therefore it made him anxious and uncomfortable when he was surrounded by a large crowd. Some of the symptoms you would expect with SAD are:

1. Loss of control - everything is about control with all the anxiety disorders. Here too, you would feel that you are likely to loose control in public, which for you would be catastrophic.

2. Fear of interacting with people - you feel safe as long as people stay where they are and leave you alone. Whenever somebody tried to befriend you, talk with you, and interact with you at any level you would feel the anxiety rise.

3. Fear of being judged - you would never enter a crowded party place because you would not be able to bear so many eyes on you when you make your entry. You would be horrified to think that all these people would be scanning and judging you from head to toe.

4. Fear of being ridiculed - you would rather not speak, sing, dance, play or whatever it is there that you have to do - because you fear you would make a mistake and people would laugh at you. The thought of being ridiculed would make you cringe; therefore, you would avoid everything that would give the slightest chance for you to fail in front of any crowd.

5. Fear of being in crowded places - every time you find yourself surrounded by a sea of people, you find yourself vulnerable. What if somebody from this crowd watches you intently and find out your flaws (whatever you think these are)? What if somebody out there in the crowd is laughing at you? What if somebody out there is judging you? You have no cover, no way to protect yourself, no defense.

Fortunately, among all the anxiety disorders this is the least harmful and the easiest to treat. Often a few sessions of therapy would be able to help you lead a normal life. The key to finding the right treatment is to get to the root of the cause of SAD in your case. This is most often than not investigated and treated successfully with the help of hypnosis, counseling and mediation.

Visualization As Treatment For Anxiety

There is mention of visualization through this e-book because this is a very powerful tool in replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It is also one of the best techniques to trigger good feelings and short-circuit anxiety attacks. Did you know that when in danger or acute sadness, human beings tend to curl up in fetal position? Do you know why? This is because this position is associated with the comfort and security that the human beings experienced when they were developing in the womb. The sub-consciousness remembers that time as the 'most secure and safe' period and by curling into that position it invokes that memory of feeling good.

You can use this technique to eliminate and/or decrease anxiety from your life. This is something like meditation, but much simpler and as many would tell you, more effective. You need a quiet place where you would not be disturbed for at least half-an-hour. The minimum time you need for this exercise is ten minutes; if it is less, it would not create the intended impact and your effort would be wasted.

The following steps would walk you through the process of visualization:

1. Be comfortable - sit or lie down in a place where you are completely at ease. You may use a bed, armchair, or even the floor - if you feel good about it.

2. Relax - will yourself to relax. Start from your toes to your head and order each set of muscles (in your mind) to relax. You would find that concentrating on your breathing (refer to the meditation section) will help you to relax better and faster. In the initial stages, keep one hand on your chest and the other on the abdomen to keep track of your breathing. You would be able to feel the inhale-exhale movement with your hand and therefore, it would be easier for you to concentrate on it. When you breathe correctly, the inhale-exhale movement would be best felt in the movements of the abdomen and not that of the chest. This is known as diaphragmatic breathing and is one of the best ways to induce relaxation or awake the sub-conscious mind. Counting also helps when you perform this technique.

3. Visualize - choose something that makes you feel happy. This could be anything, anything at all. The only pre-requisite is that it could be visualized vividly. Say, you loved the time when your mother used to bake cakes for Christmas. Close your eyes and imagine the kitchen, see your mum baking, smell the cake in the oven, hear the sound of Christmas songs and so on. You need to involve all your senses and dwell on each of these senses for a while so it would be like you are reliving them in the present. There are two things you need to ensure when you visualize your favorite scene or scenes - (i) it should be completely realistic and natural, and (ii) it should involve all your senses - touch, taste, seeing and hearing.

4. Make a connection - once you have one favorite scene (or more) and you practice these for a while you are able to "see, feel, touch, hear and smell" them you need to make a connection or a trigger that would help you get "there" whenever you need to relax. This trigger could be anything that is easily accessible to you and involves any of the senses you project in your visualization scene. Say, you could use the smell of a freshly baked cake initially, until you could invoke the beautiful and "happy" scene just by saying 'cake'. The connection would help you reach there faster. This would be extremely helpful when anxiety hits you all of a sudden and you do not have the ability to retire to a quiet corner to induce this exercise.

5. Practice - it would take a while until you can recall the 'safe haven' at will. Do not get disappointed if initially it is slow in happening. With practice you would not only be able to invoke it vividly, but also so it at will. This is very powerful and effective relaxation tool, which can diffuse anxiety in a matter of seconds once it is mastered.

Is There a Cure For Anxiety?

Treatment vs. cure. This is the question that would be still playing in your mind, right? Well, let me tell you that there is no cure for anxiety as this is a reflex reaction that your body adopts in time of danger. You "cure" anxiety and you would be left helpless in times of danger - physical or otherwise. Therefore, in this context 'cure' would be more harm than help. When I say no cure, it doesn't mean you won't be fully recovered. Everyone have different level of anxiety, and you want to be fully recovered to a normal person with normal level of anxiety!

The Best Treatment Is Tailor-Made
There are many ways you can treat anxiety successfully, which means you can keep it in control, which is as good as being healthy. You could choose one particular treatment and excel at it, or you could have your own cocktail of techniques adjusted perfectly to your needs. Give yourself time to find out the right combination and be patient when looking for results. Sometimes, you may need a few weeks or even months until you realize you are walking on the right path.

Seek And Accept Professional Help
You may feel you are in control but very often when you suffer from anxiety and/or depression, you are not. You feel normal, but you are in fact ill. Do not hesitate or delay seeking professional help. I say 'professional' here because it is important that you receive the right kind of help. Over-the-counter medication, half-baked recipes for relaxation, things that worked for X, and other such 'great advices' would not really help you. It would rather push you into deeper trouble and complicate the already existing problems. Seeing a psychiatrist or psychologists does not mean you are crazy; it means you need help with things pertaining to the mind and the function of the brain. Fight the temptation to give in to such myths and heresy; do the right thing.

Make Relaxation An Integral Part Of Your Life
Whatever it is you are doing professionally and personally, you need to make time for relaxation. This should be something you do every day, like brushing your teeth or taking a bath. Choose the method or a combination of methods which suit you best and ensure that you do it every day without fail. Do not get stuck on one type, even if that helps you best. With time, you might grow insensitive to one particular type; try identifying and rotating some of your favorite recipes for relaxation for best results.

Develop A Positive Attitude - Believe In Yourself
You would have never seen an airplane if the Wright Brothers would have given up when the whole world told them they were mad to think that they could make a machine that flies. You would not have had the bulb if Edison would have dumped his project after the 100 times he failed in his experiment. Come to think of it, you would have precious little today if some extraordinary men and women did not believe in themselves despite tremendous odds piled against them and discouragement from their peers. You need to internalize the fact that you are unique and special. You are not comparable to anybody and you are not inferior to anyone. Nurture positive thoughts promote positive attitude and sustain a healthy outlook towards life; and you will never what anxiety is.

Medication Should Be Taken Under Strict Medical Supervision
You will find that in many cases you would need medication to regain control over anxiety attacks. Do not be tempted any time to self-medicate yourself, even on the same prescription. Anxiety and depression medicines can be extremely harmful if taken irresponsibly. Keep your doctor updated about any and all changes in your condition. You also need to inform your doctor if you change your diet, adopt an alternative medicine treatment or take up any type of relaxation methods. Do not do anything without the approval and endorsement of your doctor.