The answer is an overwhelming YES. Exercise has many benefits and is somewhat of a "cure-all". Improving one's overall health is the most obvious benefit but there are others that relate directly to mental health. It can be a natural cure for anxiety attacks. Let's take a look at some of those benefits and how they can help stop anxiety attacks.
When a person exercises, especially vigorously, the brain releases hormones called endorphins. These hormones actually plug into the opiate receptors in the brain and produce a euphoria similar to a drug high. We have all heard the expression, "runner's high". This is what that expression is referring to, the endorphin rush to the brain. No matter how low a mood someone is in, this increase in endorphins will always lift one's spirits. The endorphins also boost serotonin in the brain. This serotonin boost is the same effect that the new class of anti-depressants stimulate. Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft and others are called SSRI ( selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Serotonin is also a feel good brain chemical that can improve mood.
Another very positive aspect of exercise is focus on the activity itself. When an anxiety sufferer becomes active through exercise and movement, that person is given a positive focus for their thoughts. This focus on the activity, whether it is running, playing tennis, swimming or even just giving the house a good cleaning, means the anxiety sufferer has something other than the anxiety to concentrate on. Often, and especially if the exercise activity is particularly strenuous, by the time the exercise is finished, the anxiety attack has passed. In the midst of a challenging basketball game or tennis match it's hard to focus on anything but the activity itself.
Exercising or doing something physical, also provides the sufferer with a sense of control. Typically, persons who suffer from anxiety disorder have lost all sense of being in control of their lives. Most people realize there is little in their lives that they have control over and generally accept this fact. However, those with anxiety disorder generate much fear and panic from not having control. Since exercise gives a person a sense of control over their bodies, this helps relieve the fear and panic. In this way, exercise becomes a real proactive approach to handling anxiety disorder.
Exercise is one of the best ways that you can help your anxiety naturally, without pills and other medications. Exercise is the "cure all" for just about everything. The reason exercise works so well is that it releases endorphins to the brain and gives your mind a boost of serotonin. This is the same way that many SSRIs work. Not only that, but exercise puts you in control of your body and is a proactive approach in treating your health.
By using exercise to help treat anxiety disorder, you can boost your mood and relax your body. It also gives you something to concentrate on besides yourself and your anxiety. Having a regimen of daily exercise, will give the sufferer a sense of working to treat anxiety and this feeling can be very empowering. Exercise can really be a great natural cure for anxiety and depression.