Learn How to Stop Anxiety Quickly Without Using Expensive Medications

There are several different ways how to stop anxiety. Medication is one way to get your symptoms under control, but medication is not a cure. Drugs simply help you relax to the point where your body is not in a constant state of stress. Tension is a direct result of your body feeling as though it might have to react at the drop of a hat. Your body is always coiled up and ready to spring into action, which can ultimately be very exhausting. The thoughts swirling constantly through your head when you have anxiety disorder make you feel uneasy and out of sync. Often you're filled with a sense of dread.

Anxiety medication prevents the proper amount of adrenaline from flowing through your system, so your body generally is calmer. This calmer state allows you to deal with the complex task of stopping or lessening your anxiety. What many people don't realize, though, is that anxiety medication is not truly necessary to stop anxiety.

When my anxiety disorder was at its worst, I was taking anxiety medication every day. The one day, my therapist said the words that no patient ever wants to hear. He said there was nothing more he could do for me. Not exactly what you want to hear when you know you're no way near cured! The first thing to cross my mind was, "What am I going to do without my prescriptions?"

Deep down, I never felt quite right when I was taking my anxiety medication. I knew that if I was going to get control of my issues and stop my anxiety, I was going to have to start with a major change of attitude. My medication had always made me feel a bit uncomfortable, so part of me was nervous but another part of me felt relieved. Over the next few weeks, my energy was focused on changing my attitude. As my attitude changed and I learned how to live my life without anti-anxiety drugs in my system, I was able to stop anxiety quickly and efficiently. The good news is, if I can do this, so can you! The real key here is to switch gears from being anxious and fearful to being positive and in control.

It's difficult to put my finger precisely on how I was able to stop my anxiety. I think I just got angry and "drew a line in the sand". I resolved to get my life back after losing so much time to the anxiety attacks that had consumed me for so many years. Anger is a powerful ally. Use your anger to confront your anxiety and let anxiety know that it's not welcome in your life any more. Anxiety is like a bully, and once you stand up to it once or twice you'll notice it comes around to bother you less and less. Get determined and focus on finding your own personal power! You have the ability to stop anxiety without taking medication. Believe in yourself and you'll be amazed at the transformation you can pull off. Think positive thoughts and when ever you feel anxiety coming on, get angry. Believe in yourself and have confidence in your own inner strength!

You definitely have the ability and the personal power to stop anxiety without costly drugs. Focus on your past successes as a source of strength and pride. Taking control of your anxiety requires effort, but the end result is incredibly rewarding. When you feel your next wave of anxiety coming on, you'll know how to focus your mind on positive thoughts while at the same time getting angry. The combination of positive energy and your own brand of internal strength will result in a calmer, more focused individual able to respond and react to situations rationally and logically.

You have the control to stop your panic and anxiety attacks!